Friday, September 14, 2007


Free day today.
Off to Victoria Falls on Saturday.
Penny just informed me the flight departure time tomorrow is 12:15 PM and we have transportation arranged from the Hotel to the airport for 9:15 AM. AND for the flight we are each restricted to 20 kgs packed in a soft sided bag.
This should be interesting - trying to fit my computer, camera bag, shaving kit, various battery chargers and 3 days of clothing into one little bag. Tutu lent me a bag and felt it was quite amusing.
Jacques left for Mauritius this morning. I am going to miss him, I had a good time with him.

1 comment:

Suzanne Burgess Robins said...

Looking sharp! Don't feel bad about traveling with a ton of luggage - it makes you look like you are famous! Just don't forget to wear your sunglasses in the airport and have a porter carry your bags :)