Monday, September 10, 2007

My Wardrobe

(My meager wardrobe that has to be packed in 3 checked bags and 1 carry on and outside the room by 7:00 AM tomorrow morning - 12 hours. I have to wear some of it for tonight’s dinner and need to be downstairs by 7:30 PM - it is now 7:00 PM)

Thank you Suzanne for all the time and effort you spent shopping for me.
I brought a little more than you picked, plus have bought a few more items along the way. (I also forgot to bring my black loafers). That is not all bad, the blisters on my upper heel have prevented me wearing anything but slip on sandals. Today was the first time, since getting off the plane in Mauritius that I wore real shoes. Everything should be healed well enough by tomorrows Black Tie event, that I should be able to wear my new black tuxedo shoes.

I have so many choices the first thing I do when checking into a hotel, is ask that an iron and ironing board bed sent to the room.
Much of my spare time is spent choosing outfits then ironing them.
