Saturday, September 8, 2007

Travel from Mauritius to Cape Town

(Boarding the plane for Cape Town)

(Car with luggage, Penny and Jacques)

Today is a travel day – a 6 hour flight from Mauritius to Cape Town, South Africa.

We had a fantastic dinner at Jacques and Penny’s last night and agreed to meet in the lobby at 6:15 AM for the 1 hour drive to the airport for our 9:10 AM, 6 hour flight to Cape Town.

I had a 4:30 AM wake up call and Tutu and I met for our last breakfast together in Mauritius at 5:45.

We met Jacques and Penny at 6:15. We now had a total of 9 checked bags and each had a carry on. As well Tutu had 1 large purse and 1 other bag as well as a bulk furry wrap, wearing her jean, fur trimmed jacket. The van driver thought he was finished loading with Jacques and Penny’s 3 checked bags and 2 carry on’s. We pointed to my 4 bags and Tutu’s 2 ½ bags and various and sundry purses, apparently carrying at least 6 pairs of sunglasses and who know how many hundreds of dollars in unused American Express Travelers cheques. driver had to unload and repack the van.

We arrived at the airport in plenty of time and had a chance to relax in the Air Mauritius lounge.

The flight was uneventful and arrived a little early.

Someone had arranged for a car to meet us at the airport – a stretch Mercedes – with a trunk the size of a bread box. It did not have enough room to carry my bags alone, let alone all the rest. Penny and Tutu were seated in the car but had to get out so the driver and Porter could put in the luggage.

We had a short drive to the airport and checked in to the hotel and registered for the LWEW convention.

When we arrived in our rooms we realized that Tutu’s small carry on was missing. This is the bag that she had never let out of her sight the whole trip – she always had a hand or eye on it – apparently it contained her make up.

A quick check of the front desk, concierge, baggage room, registration room, valet parking etc. did not turn up the bag.

One of the people from LWEW – Ronel, volunteered to contact the driver. It turned out the bag was in the trunk of the car and Ronel arranged to have it delivered to the hotel.
Thank you Ronel

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