Saturday, September 1, 2007


(View from my room #59)

(View from my room #59)

(View from my room #59)

(View from my room #59)

(Sunrise from my room #59)

Arrived Mauritius 9:00 AM.
Jacques and Penny picked us up at the airport - me with 3 big checked baggage and one and 1 big carry on. Tutu with 1 1/2 small checked bags, 1 small carry on and 1 big purse.
50 minute drive to the Hotel - lovely "boutique" hotel - 67 rooms -180 staff.
Jacques and I off to a Scotch tasting then back to the hotel for diner with Penny and Tutu by 8:30.
Lovely meal in a tent by the cove.

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