Wednesday, September 5, 2007

"Guard Dog" - Clara

(Clara resting for her night shift)

Jacques and Penny have 4 cats and a wonderful black lab “Guard Dog” – Clara.

Clara looks to be as big as an old bear but is just a big loveable pup at heart.

Wednesday I tried to take a nap on the lawn at Jacques and Penny’s, overlooking the Indian Ocean.

Clara came over to say hello, and I made the mistake of patting her. I was trying to nap and stopped petting her. She nudged my elbow so I patted her some more. I stopped again and she nudged my elbow again and I ignored her. She then licked my hand and wrist I patted, then rested, she would then nudge and lick. Finally she rested, feet up in the sun. She looked so silly, I laughed out loud. When she heard me laugh, she wagged her tail – still feet up. I laughed some more, she wagged some more. I thought that was the end of it but not so – she came over and nudged and licked me. I realized that if I wanted to nap, I was going to have to go inside, so I did.

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