Tuesday, September 4, 2007


(Jacques and Penny's home)

(Jacques and Penny's home)

(Jacques and Penny's home)

The 4 of us left from Jacques and Penny’s very charming house, on the Paradise Cove Hotel property, at around 11:00 for a drive for an overnight stay on the east part of the island at “The Residence Hotel”. I was the “big packer” again – 1 carry on, 1 large bag and my computer. Ma was the light packer again – her small carry on only. Not a great day weather wise, very windy and sometimes overcast. Still ok in shorts, short sleeve shirt and sandals though. It was about a 50 minute drive along a very narrow winding road through some very interesting villages and scenic coast along the way. The scenery reminds me of Maui with a bit of Mexico thrown in – except we drive on the left hand side and all the roads are paved.

Once there we were given wet towels to freshen up and a welcome iced tea drink. We checked into our rooms and rested a while then met downstairs at Tutu’s at 1:00 PM to walk over to the Plantation restaurant for lunch.

After lunch we walked back to the hotel beach so Tutu could do some shopping with the beach vendors.

We planned to meet at Jacques and Penny’s room at 7:00 for a glass of champagne before our 8:00 PM dinner reservations at the fine dining hotel restaurant.

We had a very nice dinner then retired for the evening.

We plan to meet for breakfast in the morning, then checkout, then stop at another Hotel for lunch then back to Paradise Cove and then for champagne at a neighbors before dinner.

Jacques and Penny have been fantastic hosts, arranging all sorts of visits, side trips, Scotch Tasting, picnics, lunches, and dinners. We have been kept busy but have also had lots of time for R & R in a very lovely and comfortable atmosphere.

Thank you Jacques and Penny.

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