Friday, August 31, 2007

Travel Day

(Arriving at London Heathrow)

Travel day - Arrived London 1:30 PM left for Mauritius 4:50 - 11hour and 40 minute flight to Mauritius.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Travel Day

(taken from the window seat looking past the aisle seat into the middle section)

Travel day - Left Vancouver 9:00 PM 9 hour flight to London.
We traveled in “club” class. I have never traveled a long distance before and since this trip was 9 hours, I wondered how I would sleep.

The “club seats were the solution. The window seat faced the rear of the plane and the aisle seated faced the front. The two seats were completely separated from each other by a thin wall and a sliding divider. If you wanted complete privacy from the other person, you could have it. If you wanted to communicate with the other person, you could lower the divider. Each compartment had a lay flat seat with a separate foot rest that could form part of the bunk. As well they each had their own TV screen to watch on demand movies etc. A sliding tray and overhead lights completed the compartment. Anyone leaving heir bunk would not at all disturb the other person.

The middle seats each had a single compartment on each aisle and a double in the middle.

I found it a very comfortable way to travel.